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Showing posts from May, 2020

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ECPE Writing - Sample Article (Fake news)

This is the fifth sample article candidates of the ECPE examination (Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English of the University of Michigan) My first post to deal with articles , explains what needs to be present in this type of piece of writing. As stated, examiners are looking for articles that elaborate on ideas and have solid arguments; are well organized; make use of a wide lexical and grammatical range; have an original ring to them (in other words, readers are able to distinguish the author's unique "voice").   Before reading, take a look at the following post if you haven't already done so. It will help you focus on the vital aspects you need to be aware of while reading the article and what you should make sure to use when you write your own.     The question appeared in Practice Tests for the ECPE Book 1 (revised 2021 version) and is accompanied by the following three writing prompts:  

Oracle & Folly du Jour (On the Fundamentals of Stupidity)

IELTS Academic Task 1 Sample Report 2 (Road & rail passenger transport use)

This is the second sample report (Task 1) which follows IELTS guidelines for the Writing section of the Academic Module. 

IELTS Academic Task 1 Sample Report 1 (Undergraduate & postgraduate students)

This, I hope, is the first of several sample reports to come. They follow the guidelines for the IELTS Task 1 writing section which asks candidates to write a summary of data presented in a graph or diagram.  Task 1 can therefore be seen as consisting of two subcategories of tasks:  a graph, chart, table or a diagram, map, image showing a process or object In this series of reports, I'll focus on the first type which deals with graphs so that candidates can see how facts can be grouped together and presented in an orderly manner.  You can begin by reading my post  

The Latest Word - Chasm

Etymology The word "chasm" is derived from the Greek word χάσμα (pronounced "hasma")(point of note: all words transferred into English from the Greek language changed the Greek " χ " to a " ch ", as in psychology , chronic , archaeology , etc.) and means abyss, an opening found on the earth's surface which is usually wide and deep. 

C2 Sample Essay 37 (Careers and further education)

Writing at C2 level (Proficient User) on English language examinations is the same no matter the awarding body when it comes to writing essays. If you are a candidate giving an exam in English (IELTS, CPE, ECPE, CELP, LRN, ESB, TOEFL), make sure you read my earlier post What do I do with the sample writing found on this blog? to get the most out of the sample essays provided on Argute Legacy .   The topic of this essay is to discuss single versus multiple careers in addition to further education (how the former is becoming "old-fashioned"). If you are not taking an exam but need to discuss this topic, then read on and note down what you deem useful. If you intend to use this essay as part of an assignment, remember to paraphrase so as not to plagiarize.